Burley Bobcat Band Scholarship Association at a Glance
Who We Are
An organization of former members of the Burley High School Bobcat Band, other interested persons and entities. Said organization to be governed by a board of 5-7 members of which at least 2 who reside in the Mini-Cassia Area. Board to elect a president, vice-president and a treasurer. Steve Floyd to serve as non-voting Chairman and secretary of the Board. Terms of President, Vice-President & Treasurer to be two years. Terms of elected board members should rotate, but this is not required. Board to establish an account with a local bank for deposit of all funds donated to the Association. Board to secure the status of a 501 3c organization as soon as possible. Members of the board to be volunteers selected from the association membership by electronic vote of membership. Board to meet as needed but not less than two-three times per year. Initial board members will be selected by Steve Floyd to serve until the first election is held. Initial board members: Dina Gibson Erhling 1987, Gwen Tuft Hutchings 1993, Ron Bean 1993, David Gibson 1987, Camille Judd Pincock 1996 & Burton Anderson 1980.
Membership in the Burley Bobcat Band Alumni Association
1) Former member of the Burley High School Bobcat Band from any year.
2) Any person or entity who supports the scholarship endeavors of this association.
3) Yearly donation of at least $5 to the scholarship fund.

The Scholarship
A scholarship, the amount to be determined each year. More than one scholarship may be awarded. Scholarship to be given in May of each year to a graduating, outstanding member(s) of the Burley High School Bobcat Band. The recipient must have been accepted at an institute of higher learning (2 or 4 year college or university or technical school, etc.). The recipient need not be entering a musically-orientated field. Selection will be based on 1) Four year GPA, 2) Record of attendance at activities of the Bobcat Band, 3) Evaluation of participation in the band program at Burley High School, 4) Letters of recommendation from adults, teachers and former members of the Bobcat band who were classmates of the candidate. No letters of recommendation from music teachers at Burley High School or Burley Junior High will be accepted.

Funding The Scholarship
Funds to establish the scholarship will be raised by donation of the membership and any other interested person or entity. No fund-raising other than donations will be done. Donations to be made via electronic means. All donations to be deposited in association bank account with regular accounting to the board by the treasurer. Donations to be tax deductible. Members will be notified as soon as 501 3c status is secured.